News and What's On
12 Feb 2023 - BBMTB has become a Child Safe organisation, committed to providing a safe and supportive environment for minors involved in BBMTB activities. We have a formal policy, a code of conduct, and information on how to make a complaint or raise a concern - all modelled on the NSW Office for the Childrens Guardian materials. See the dedicated page under About on this website.
25 Jan 2023 - Mogo Trails construction commencing celebrated! About 45 members of the local MTB community gathered at the Broulee Brewhouse last night to celebrate the trails getting underway and meet some of the trail builders.
20 January 2023 - BBMTB benefits from wind up of the Eurobodalla Cycling Club. A real windfall has come our way with the wind up of the ECC. We received over $6,600 in cash when the assets of the former club were divided up. We will certainly be putting this to good use, and hopefully many of former members of the old ECC will benefit as MTB riders in our area.
15 January 2023 - Council close to finalising permits for trail construction to get underway. Once the ESC has the authority it needs to commence trail work, BBMTB can start to get the formal authorities in place that we need to start official activities on existing trails, such as trail working bees, coaching and development clinics, races and social rides. Bear with us - we hope this won't take too long, and we can get on with some official activities.